Netflix Data Visualization

Netflix (NFLX) is the dominant company in the media industry, with 233 million paying subscribers around the world.

By creating compelling original programming, analyzing its user data to serve subscribers better, and above all, letting people consume content in the ways they prefer.

In the long run, Netflix's success may lead to the unbundling of cable. That is, cable customers may be allowed to pick and choose channels rather than pay for a whole batch to get what they want.

"I think cinema, movies, and magic have always been closely associated. The very earliest people who made film were magicians."

- Francis Ford Coppola

  • Revenue

    Million of US $
  • June

  • March

  • December, 2022

  • September, 2022

  • June, 2022

  • Movies


    Avg Revenue






    "There is a revolution happening, and within two years I think that Wi-Fi and Netflix will be built into all the televisions."

    - Reed Hastings

    The Art of Cinema

    Movies are a technological art , which is a boon for filmmakers, their art stands on the shoulders of industrial giants who made it possible to capture motion on film and video, as well as a severe challenge. The greatest directors are more than artists; they’re also technological innovators who push the tools of the medium and, sometimes, even discover or invent new ones.

    The artistry of innovative technology has been a constant from the very beginning of movies, and the history of the art has always advanced in step with technical invention , as well as with the inventiveness of filmmakers in finding uses for these advances.

    In recent years, great movies have been made with a varied range of devices, including consumer-grade video cameras, iPhones, and even pieced together from footage borrowed from the Internet.

    - Richart Brody

    "Everybody has something that chews them up and, for me, that thing was always loneliness. Cinema has the power to make you not feel lonely, even when you are."

    - Tom Hank


    Year 1997 was founded and launched a year later

    Year 2016

    Netflix surpassed 100 million subscribers

    Year 2021

    Netflix has more than 200 millions subscribers

    "Cinema is not only about making people dream. It's about changing things and making people think."

    - Nadine Labaki

    Netflix growth

    Netflix added millions of subscribers in the second quarter and saw a rise in revenue, the company said on Wednesday in an upbeat earnings report that came at a moment when the entertainment industry is dealing with dual strikes inspired in part by the economics of streaming.

    The company said there had been scant resistance to its password sharing crackdown. It noted that revenue in each region in which its service was available was now higher than before the sharing restrictions were enforced and that new subscriptions already exceeded cancellations.

    - The New York Times